Capillary, Migratory, Projective: Inventing cinema’s past so that it may have a future. An Introduction

Stefanie Schulte Strathaus and Vinzenz Hediger



An Incomplete Series of Archive Incidents. Or: Trust the Archive

Stefanie Schulte Strathaus

Digital Scavengers and the Limits of the Archive: Excavating Lagos on the Internet

Vinzenz Hediger


I  N E V E R  W A N T E D  T O  B E  A N  A R C H I V I S T:  A C C I D E N T A L
A R C H I V I S M  A N D  B I O G R A P H I C A L  T U R N I N G  P O I N T S

Accidental Archivism – A Necessary Accident

Didi Cheeka

Accidental Encounters, Incidental Care, and Shared Archival Practices

Sonia Campanini

Situatedness: Accidental Archaeology of When and What

Ala Younis

Seeing Again Nuit et brouillard – Nacht und Nebel – Night and Fog

Tobias Hering

Against Forgetfulness, Against Monumentalization: Round and Around (2020)

Hieyoon Kim


N E W  A R C H I V A L  S P A C E S  A N D  P L A C E S  O F  C I N E M A

Transnational Archival Practice as a Necessity in Cinema Practice: The Film Series The Invitees at Sinema Transtopia and the Rediscovery of Kara Kafa

Can Sungu

“Can’t you see them? – Film them.”

Asja Makarević and Clarissa Thieme

Action-based Archivism: A Conversation with Mareike Bernien, Madhusree Dutta and Merle Kroeger

Alexandra Schneider

Navigating/Activating: Working with Harun Farocki’s Artistic Estate

Volker Pantenburg

Pirated Lubunca Films: Lambdaistanbul’s Counter-archival Practices

Sema Çakmak

Forgetting the Cinema of Transgression by Looking for Its Traces

Marie-Sophie Beckmann

On Transnationality & Archive Practice: A Chronicle of the Rafla Collection

Tamer El Said


N E W  C I N E P H I L I A S:  B E Y O N D  T H E
M A N S P R E A D I N G  M A C H I N E

Afterword, Three Years Later: For a New Cinephilia

Girish Shambu

Kinothek Asta Nielsen: Fugitive Archives

Gaby Babić, Karola Gramann and Heide Schlüpmann

From Singular to Plural

Erika Balsom

My Little Lady Digs: Vaginal Davis on “Rising Stars, Falling Stars”

Marc Siegel and Vaginal Davis

We Have Always Been Fabulous: Fragments of an Unfinished Manifesto

Mohammad Shawky Hassan

On Decay: Reflections on Working with Neglected Films

Lisabona Rahman and Julita Pratiwi



Ulrich Gregor – The Arsenal in Berlin


C I N É K I N S H I P S:  C R E A T I N G  N E W
N E T W O R K S  O F  F I L M  C U L T U R E

The Eloquence of Odradek: Hussein Shariffe’s Exilic Film Objects

Erica Carter

Cinema-ye Azad: The Lost History of the Iranian Independent Cinema Collective

Hadi Alipanah

Collaborative Dialogues and Calcutta’s Super 8 Film Movement

Amrita Biswas

The Pyramid Used to be a Mountain

Almudena Escobar López

Destabilizing the Official Film Archive from Within: S.N.S. Sastry’s And I Make Short Films

Ritika Kaushik

A Festival Under Fire

Shai Heredia


T H E  V A S T  D O M A I N  O F  U N S E E N F I L M S:
M A P P I N G  T H E  C I N E M A  W E  N E V E R  K N E W

An Archive of the Future – An Archive for the Past

Constanze Ruhm

The Non-Human Archive

Veena Hariharan

Found or Lost? Turkey’s Vulnerable Film and Video Heritage

Özge Çelikaslan

Pleasure in/of the Archive: Porn Workshops at the Schwules Museum

Nils Meyn

Cross-Fading Archives, Resurfacing Infrastructures: The Cinema Historian as Accidental Archivist and Activist

Simone Venturini

Flotsam and Jetsam

Mila Turajlić


L O S T  P L A T F O R M S: A C C I D E N T A L  A R C H I V I S M
A N D  T H E  O V E R P R O M I S E  O F  T E C H N O L O G Y

Film Heritage at the Curb

Philipp Dominik Keidl

Unexpected, Contingent, Accidental: Cinema in the Contemporary Digital Archive

Ravi Vasudevan

Don Quixote in the Archive: Or, Making Sense of Film Heritage in the Age of Overabundance

Francesco Pitassio

BABYLON’13 – As It Is



T R A J E C T O R I E S  O F  R E S T I T U T I O N

Ejo Lobi: Reimagining a Future Past

Petna Ndaliko Katondolo

An Accidental Virtual Archive of Colonialism

Grazia Ingravalle

African Film Heritage: The Case for Restitution

Nikolaus Perneczky

Accessing the Nigerian Film Archive: Tensions and Questions

Añulika Agina and Didi Cheeka

Remnants of the Central Film Library and the Rethinking of Ghana’s Audio-visual Heritage

Rebecca Ohene-Asah

Phenomena of Ukrainian cinema: Director’s Cut by Ukrainian Film Archive

Olena Goncharuk and Mariia Glazunova

Fragments of our Memories: On the Incompleteness of Broken Nostalgia

Lynhan Balabat-Helbock and Laura Kloeckner



Cine-animism: The Return of Amílcar Cabral and Many Returns

Filipa César